Invisible to everyone's eyes the go in silence, separated for a few instants to avoid waking suspicions, the weariness as a perfect excuse to walk in lascivious complicity toward one of the house's rooms. Behind them the party goes on, but for them it has been enough alcohol and revelry, enough of the anxious looks in front of distracted diners and sensual rubs in the dark corners of the house.
With absolute reservedness -in case they've been followed for someone too curious- they prepare to take the exaggerated role of friends just looking for a place to sleep. They have played this game long enough to leave some detail to luck, especially in an ocassion like that, when a dozen people replete the house.
As usual, she's the first to undress and seek warmth between the sheets (this time unkown and still cold) while his gaze is fixed at the door to avoid seeing her. With a relax tone she let her accompanist -partner, lover- that is his turn to start the parsimonious ritual of getting naked, lock the door of the room and turn off the lights to finally take his side of the bed.
Both shake after an involuntary contact of their naked bodies, but no matter the lust invading them, they know they must still wait a few minutes until being sure that they won't be surprised by the rush entrance of one of their friends. When they feel nothing will happen, they turn to find their gazes full of desire, meeting in a subtle kiss, almost innocent, accompanied by soft caresses drawn in their necks and backs.
Noises on the stairs, laughter in the corridor, the door opens. The bodies between the sheets have turned their backs to each other, both occupiers seem to sleep deeply, but they only wait for the people on the door to go away. They don't need to open their eyes to recognize them, the voices soon invade the silent room.
'It's taken,' says Antoinette roguishly. 'Let's go to the big room.'
'I can't believe they're sleeping. That's so lame,' adds Sebastian.
The door closes, the laughter goes until silence appears again, a silhouette walks acro
ss the room. He opens his eyes to discover the nudity of the concupiscence, generous, exuberant figure of his partner coming sensually to him. With the moon as their only witness, they surrender to their secret passion, to the lascivious need of moving through their bodies as they don't know them, as if it is the first time they play the game of their instincts. That seemed to be the mysterious ingredient prolonging their "relationship".

Morning finds them cuddling. They rush to avoid being caught in their nudity by the sun and go down stairs looking for someone who can open the main door, so they can go forbearing any questioning about what happened during their disappearance. Antoinette and Sebastian flirt in the kitchen while making breakfast, laughing at the snores coming from the dining room. It take some minutes to the girl to take distance from Sebastian, after which she walks to the main door and to depart her friends.
'Thanks for everything, Antoinette.'
'Take care... and say goodbye to the sleepers for us.'
'Au revoir, kids,' answers Antoinette.
They walk in silence, go on the bus in silence, keep the silence during the trip. Only when he's getting ready to go off the bus their gazes meet again, wishing each other good luck during the week to come. For an instant they take hands, look at each other and their faces get close in search of a kiss; however, they come back to their senses and discover is not the moonlight over them, they're not alone, there's no risk of being susprised and questioned.
'See you, Jones,' she says.
'Have a pleasent trip, Green,' answers him smiling.
He goes off the bus, she continues the trip.
'Until next time,' both whisper. 'Goodbye, my love.'
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