Day is coming to an end, fading in a silent and swift evening. The sun has made an spectacular entrance -after being absent most of the day- and now begins to disappear in the horizon, but for the first time it is not my intention to see the end of his travel trough the city sky (at least not directly), because in front of my eyes there's an even greatest beauty.
Our gazes meet in what seems an eternity, and for an instant I wander if I should break that intense feeling with words; however, my sincerity usually donesn't wait and today is not an exception. While the waves keep crashing against the beach in their infinite routine, words fall from my mouth.
'I doubted you'd come,' I confess, without taking my eyes from yours. 'Your gaze, your smile, your company make all the deceptions go. You have brought me much joy.'
Your gaze timidly distance away from mine to watch the sunset.
There's the moment I expected, the image I expected. Your cheeks have taken the same red
tone of the clouds when touched by the last of the daylight. In your eyes, the reflexion of the sunset gives a mistery aura to the scene I desire to watch every time my feet touch the streets of Valparaiso. The instant the sun leaves the sky, a soft drizzle starts so after kissing I invite you for a walk.

It is the perfect sunset.
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