I wasn't the first time Alejandro wandered that, but it was the first time he dared to tell her. Magdalena looked at him for an instant stupefied, but she avoided the doubts he was presenting her. Without thinking deeply she seeked again the warmth lips of Alejandro.
With his mind full of uncertainty given the espontaneous encounter, Alejandro left home in a rush. Only when he was already on the bus he took some time to arrange, but the sunlight made him a little difficult to find his reflection on the vehicle's windows. Almost an hour later he lit a cigarette while waiting Magdalena.
Night had extended its dark, so the arrival of the girl was illuminated by artificial light. Alejandro could recognize without mistakes the generous body, the flirty walk and the long, curly hair of the young woman. There weren't any demostrations of tenderness in their greet, what relief both of the uncomfortable memories of previous meetings.
'Wanna have a drink?' offered Magdalena smiling. 'I know a place just a few blocks away.'
'Yeah, sure. Let's go.'
Worried with little details that could be totally absent in this encounter, Alejandro hadn't thought about what they were going to do, so he was grateful Magdalena had planned something. While they were walking he saw their reflection on a window, noticing that they were proyecting a weird aura; however, he forgot about it a few steps later.
The moment they got to the bar they ordered their usual drinks -margarita for her, mojito for him-, passing later to a cheerful talk about the band playing. This helped them to forget the remaining fears, unease and uncertainty left the table giving space to a calmed evening.

After some appetizers and a second round of drinks, Alejandro and Magdalena divided the check, left the bar and walked through a crowded boulevard. They talked about the oncoming autumm, the dark tones of the sky, the traffic at that hour, everything but the sensation dwelling in them.
When they reached a bus stop, Alejandro leaned on it -exhausted for a difficult week- and Magdalena seeked in her friend a refuge to the cold breeze starting to blow. The face of the girl caught Alejandro's attention and it wasn't just its softness, there was something else, something in her skin inflicting a powerful attraction over him.
Suddenly they started kissing. The doubts got back the instant their lips touched, unleashing their adrenaline, because there was something forbidden in their acts that excited them even more. Only Alejandro's question was able to stop them.
'I'm serious, Magda,' said the young man walking away from her. 'Always this game.'
'Why can't you just enjoy this while it happens, Ale?'
'Because I cannot stand that you deny it later, Magdalena.'
Alejandro's face took a gravity too distant from the moment they were sharing. Magdalena was uncapable to react to the man's attitude, so she just turn around and started walking away, leaving behind Alejandro, his kisses, his tenderness, his questions.
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